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Syrian Handmade Stories

Opening exhibition Saturday 19th November, at 1pm. The opportunity to meet the artists and see their work, refreshments are provided!

Syrian Handmade Stories: A group of Syrian women, led by art facilitator Rovena Bassett and supported by Syrian artist Shahed Mzaiek, meet every Saturday morning in Lurgan to share their interest in arts and crafts and produce beautiful items. 

 The sessions are being delivered by NI Hyatt and funded by the NLCF NI. The idea started organically, since the ladies would leave their children at the NI Hyatt Arabic Saturday school ‘Al Taaleem’. 

While waiting for the children, they decided to use their time to get together and develop their skills to produce artistic pieces. From crochet soft furnishing items to handmade cards and decorative frames, the group has produced a varied range of artistic pieces and are ready to display their work at the Millennium Court, William Street, Portadown – from  Saturday, 19th November to Friday 25th November. 

 There is an opening session with refreshments and the opportunity to meet the artists on the 19th November at 1pm. 

All welcome and invited. Refreshments are kindly being provided by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Well-being project. 

 The exhibition will also feature the highly professional work of Syrian artist Shahed Mzaiek, with her portrait drawings and paintings – worthwhile taking the time to come along and check it out. 

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