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Template 2.0: An Exhibition of Digital Art, 21 Aug – 24 Sep 2009

tem•plate n. 2 Computer Science. A document or file having a preset format, used as a starting point for a particular application so that the format does not have to be recreated each time it is used. 

The Millennium Court Arts Centre presents an ambitious interdisciplinary multi format exhibition co-curated by Joe Gilmore and Chris Murphy with work by internationally respected digital artists. The exhibition forms part of the programme for ISEA 2009, a digital arts conference hosted by the University of Ulster in August. 

‘Template’ presents current tendencies in visual and digital art by interdisciplinary artists working in the fields of digital media. Works are featured from a cross-section of digital artists including Tina Frank (Austria), Alorenz (Germany), Mark Fell (UK), and Velluminous (USA). The artists are pioneers in the field of web-based and digital art and all have exhibited internationally. They explore the boundaries between the ‘virtual’ world within the computer and the ‘real’ world outside it. Their work, which is often freely available via the internet, raises questions of ownership, challenging established artistic models of consumption.

The artists featured embrace and explore the computer as a central method for creating their work. This vibrant digital playground forms the basis of the exhibition, which engages and challenges the audience’s perception of what digital art might be. Through the juxtaposition of web-based artworks, screen based works, printed works and generative pieces (whose form is constantly evolving), Template 2.0 offers an exciting opportunity to present some of the world’s leading digital artists to a Northern Ireland audience.
MCAC is part of a group of leading venues that are now interfacing with publics that feel comfortable with new media and most importantly are providing new avenues of access into museums and galleries via relevant creative experiences. This is part of MCAC’s ongoing interest in engaging audiences with new technology, including our new online social network site on Facebook. To accompany this exhibition MCAC has commissioned Murphy to create an iPod interactive tour. While commonplace in many galleries worldwide, interactive mediation devices are not widely utilised in Ireland. With the arrival of these new technologies organisations now have an opportunity to present their work (collections or temporary exhibitions) in new and increasingly innovative ways. 

ISEA, the Inter-Society of Electronic arts, is an international non-profit organisation fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse and exchange among culturally diverse organizations and individuals situated at the interface between arts, science and digital technologies. Their membership and collaborators consists of a wide range of individuals and institutions involved in the creative, theoretical and technological aspects of electronic arts.

Chris Murphy is co-founder of Fällt, an independent publishing house specializing in experimental music, fine art, design and criticism. Joe Gilmore is a multidisciplinary artist and graphic designer working in the fields of computer music, video and algorithmic art.

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