Opening: Thursday 1 June 2017, 7-9pm, Gallery 1 & 2
The opening of Southern Regional College's annual end of year Exhibition for Graphic Design HND, Photography HND and Digital Imagery…

Opening: Thursday 1 June 2017, 7-9pm, Gallery 2
MCAC is delighted to host the fifteenth annual summer exhibition by Portadown Visual Arts Society (PVAS), a local art group who are major…

Opening: Friday 4 August, 7-9pm
Exhibition continues: 5 August – 27 September 2017
Artist Talk: Saturday 19 August, 12-1pm
A Free Bus will run between Belfast and Portadown on the…

The first instalment launched at the Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast on the 3rd August 2017 and focused on Wilson’s more recent practice.
The second instalment, at the Millennium Court Art…

Opening: Friday 1 December, 7-9pm
Continues: 2 December 2017 - 24 January 2018
Artist Talk: Saturday 9
December, 12-1pm
Artist Master class: 16 December, 10-4pm
A Free Bus will run…

Opening: Friday 2 February, 7-9pm
Continues: 3 February - 28 March 2018
Artist Talk: Saturday 17 February, 12-1pm
Artist Master class: 24 February, 10-4pm
Components of the Scene
by Brian McAvera…

This exhibition brings together elements of Hamilton’s innovative practice, which crosses the lines between object, digital interaction and action/performance. Sound, both incidental and composed, underpins her works like a fourth…

This is an exhibition at Millennium Court Arts Centre, Portadown of all the banners produced in Northern Ireland for the ‘PROCESSIONS 2018’ parade that took place in Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London on the 10th…

3 - 29 August 2018
This exhibition is part of the first Linen Biennale Northern Ireland, a celebration of the past, present and future of Europe’s oldest textile.
Featuring artists:…